Beast Man (from the eastside of Eternia) was stunned to learn that he was mistaken for perpetrator in Todd/Obama debacle.

Damn, Ash.....you f*cked up.
The picture above (not BM)? Ashley Todd.
Who is she? She's a supporter of Senator John McCain.
She claimed to have been attacked by supporters of Barack Obama.
It turns out that she lied about the whole f*cking thing.
Damn, Ash.
I know what you were thinking:
"I'll discredit Obama and everything he stands for by staging this attack and carving the letter 'B' in my face. Yeah....that's it....a 'B'. Eureka! His name begins with the letter 'B'! B stands for the word 'blue'. B stands for the word 'bumblebee'! B stands for the word 'boy'! Yay!!!!"
Dammit Ash!!! The man is a presidential nominee! You didn't think the police would investigate this shit?!?! You could have come up with a suspect a little more believable than gottdamn Barack "BarackTheSpot" Obama!
Next time you try some piss poor stunt like this, try a different "B" name to attach this shit to.
Some alternative options:
Billy Joel
Brainy Smurf
Blue Man Group
Bashful (from the 7 Dwarfs)
Benny & The Jets
Bruce Leroy
Beast Man
Bleek Gilliam
Mr. Belvedere
Blossom a.k.a. Miyam Bialik (Two B's for the price of one. Besides, in one episode of the show, Blossom thought Clair Huxtable was the ideal mom. Right there, ol' Bloss was conspiring w/Baracksta by aligning herself with the Huxtable family.....from BROOKLYN!!! Damn Ash!!! That's the perfect motive right there!)
Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Bam Bam Bigelow
Big Daddy Kane (I mean this dude already told on himself: "rappers step to me/they wanna get some/but I'm the Kane/so yo, you know the outcome)
Banksy (you could have tied it, your facial 'B', into a new form of street art)
Mr. Belding (Saved By The Bell)
Billy Joe Jive
Bootsy Collins
G.O.B. Bluth (Arrested Development)
Ben & Jerry
Barney (He used to be the f*cking king! Now he's been forced to share his block with Dora, Curious George, The Wiggles, The Teletubbies and The Backyardigans. Shit used to be real sweet for 'The Barnster'. Outside of Sesame Street and Blue's Clues, Barney was the "Don Dada". But when you divide up the kiddie-programming pie, your slice starts looking real small. Maybe Barns is trying to re-invent himself as a new millenium, cuddly, O.G. Hollywood bad boy?
Backyardigans (speaking of which)
Batman (C'mon Ash! This muthaf*cker is a VIGILANTE! You could have pinned all of this sh*t on him! You had that one Ash.....you had that one.)
Bob Saget