The following is reprinted from some things I posted on Twitter. It probably reads disjointed in some places. It may be fragmented in other places. I assume all fault.
I feel like I lost a family member.about 13 hours ago from web
One thing I've learned from this? If you have people in your life that are going through ANY kind of turmoil and you do nothing about itabout 13 hours ago from web
you are co-signing their downward spiral.about 13 hours ago from web
A man lived 45 of 50 years in the spotlight. Many of those years, we watched odd behavior and eccentricities and cracked jokes and madeabout 13 hours ago from web
jokes. But somewhere, there was a child in that man, who went through things that no child should have to endure.about 13 hours ago from web
A man sacrificed himself for OUR entertainment. Is that really cool? Is that righteous?about 13 hours ago from web
You just don't wake up and say "I want to build an amusement park in my backyard". That comes from something you're trying to get back to.about 13 hours ago from web
Most of us have little people in our lives. Make sure they are safe. Make sure they are fed. Make sure they are happy. Make sure they haveabout 13 hours ago from web
a splendid childhood. You owe them that. If Michael Jackson has taught us anything, its the value of keeping our children in kindabout 13 hours ago from web
and loving environments. Their is nothing more important than the sanctity, grace and upbringing of God's little people.about 13 hours ago from web
You are responsible. Whether you have children or not.about 13 hours ago from web
Your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, godchildren, little brothers and sisters---be their protectors. They need it and it is your duty.about 13 hours ago from web
We can't sacrifice our children anymore. Michael Jackson was a sacrifice and we watched. I feel like NOW we must atone.about 13 hours ago from web
This morning, I listened to "Man In The Mirror". I haven't really cried like this in awhile. I am humbled by life. Thank you, Mike.about 13 hours ago from web
I am looking at the man in the mirror. I need to make some changes. Amen.about 13 hours ago from web
To: Michael Jackson, The King Of Pop
Got To Be There.
I love you,