Sometimes...you have to let go.
I've decided that since the ideas, in my head, are sprawling and are in a constant state of re-work, I've made a concentrated effort to live a simpler existence. Easy, right? Yeah. That's the idea.
Layman's terms: I don't have time for your shit. Seriously.
See, my grand idea is to streamline how I get to my "end game". Things aren't always easy but they definitely can be made simpler in execution.
I'm going to live THIS life once. I have to be where I'm supposed to be. We all have a place we're trying to get to. You're better off not bullshitting yourself on life's journey. I'm going with my true nature. I have to do things that re-new my blackened soul. I want Oprah to love me.
What I suggest for myself are the same things I suggest for you. I follow these rules. They're not just some clever little bulletpoints made to amuse myself. Nope. These words are part of the Ziti mantra. This is the GPS to my Ziti 7000 XL. I'm living it. I'm breathing it.
With that said, don't just take this sh*t for face value. Consider me a shaman. I have the medicine. It's up to you to partake.
1. Feeling sluggish? F*ck it. Drink more water.
2. Feeling like a grease receptacle after you eat? F*ck it. Eat more green vegetables.
3. Getting less accomplished because of social networking? F*ck it. Unplug these electronic bastards and go forth with your craft.
4. I would say that I'm abstaining from arguing with the opposite sex. F*ck it...I don't do that sh*t anyway.
5. Need more money? Go out with a PLAN and get yourself some more money. Sometimes, this is easy and simple. I mean, a NASA space monkey can get a job. [Lucky simian bastards.]
6. Listen to the music that you want to listen to.
7. Listen to music outside of your comfort zone. Listen to music that gets inside of your head. Indulge in tunes that speak to your soul.
8. Sometimes, imagined sex is better than the real thing. Trust me on this.
9. Before you can "receive", you need to learn how to be a "giver". That's truly how this world works. Stop walking around with your hand open.
10. Love someone (sincerely) who is not your parent or from your womb. I'm talking unconditional love.
10.1 By the way, while you're loving unconditionally, don't be an idiot. Temper that sh*t with some wisdom.
11. Learn something new. Meaning? Read a f*cking book if you have to.
12. Remember this: If it doesn't feel good to you, it probably isn't good for you. Think about that for a second.
13. Contribute the greatest part of you. Anything less is weak.
14. I know...I said "F*ck it" a lot. Guess what? Sometimes, you have to give less than a f*ck. They'll talk about you. They'll doubt you. They'll try and derail you at every turn. You won't succeed unless you don't care what they think about you.
15. Those people that don't want you to win? F*ck those non-believing bastards. F*ck em.
16. Be happy. Work towards that EVERY day. Regardless of what they tell you in school, that-- right there--is the true key to a beautiful life. It's not money or cars or fame. It's happiness. If you don't have that, then you don't have sh*t.
17. Be a better person.
That's the gospel. You didn't have to go to church and you didn't have to pass around a collection plate.
Don't say I never gave your ungrateful asses anything.
Ziti loves you.
Hallelujah. Hollaback.
p.s. Look beyond the curse words. There's something in here for YOU.