January 10, 2011

Kind Of Blewed

Ziti: [excited] Yooooooo!!!!! They have Miles Davis headphones! Monster has a limited edition Miles Davis earbud! Ohhhhhhhhhhh snap.

Jose: Damn.

Ziti: Hold up.....damn...these headphones are $400. $400? Wow.

Jose: $400??? For earbuds? Shiiitttttttttttttttt. For $400, I want a piece of furntiture that came from Miles Davis house.

Ziti: [laughs]

Jose: $400 earbuds??? Shitttttttttt. For $400, I want a piece of Miles Davis ear wax.

Ziti: You're wild.

Jose: $400??? Shiitttttttttttttttt. For $400........

Ziti: I got it, bro. Jeez.

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