Tapes. I had/have 1000's of them. Literally. Played em'. Broke em'. Snapped em'. Operated on em'. Spliced em'. Those little boxes with the two reels inside? Magical. A good number of those tapes were mixtapes. Tapes were usually copped on the street, from a dude hustling them, 2 for $15 style. Having the newest tape, in some circles, was like having a new pair of sneakers. Certain mixtapes would get "run in the ground" like a classic album. In some cases, some mixtapes got more play than an album you'd buy in the store.
Some of the familiar mixtape names?
Kid Capri
Ron G.
DJ Envy
Silver Surfa
Dirty Harry
Action Pac
Boo The Barber
DJ Camilo
DJ Clue
DJ Hollywood
Green Lantern
Analog living at its finest.
Two clips: One of classic Yo! MTV Raps footage feat. the legendary Kid Capri. The other is a rip of the blend featured in the first clip.
Learn you something.
[Note: The turntable skill demonstrated by Kid Capri should be standard arsenal for any DJ that plays Hip-Hop music. If you're a DJ and cannot perform said skill, then maybe you should re-think your hobby.]
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