September 08, 2010

Return To Mecca

Whose idea was this? Whoever it was, needs to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Seriously. Mecca and The Soul Brother...classic. And I mean, "classic", in every sense of the word. Not how "classic" is bandied about and used to label every new album by every new artist, that you schmoes think is "hot". No. This is the real deal. The early Ziti years? This album stayed in rotation. Pete Rock was in a zone. C.L. Smooth couldn't spell a bad verse. It was that kind of album.

2010. What makes this special? We are treated to a deluxe re-issue, that is usually reserved for Jazz album staples and pivotal rock albums. Very rarely does a Hip-Hop album get the re-issue that it deserves. This one? You can put it on the shelf next to your A Love Supreme anniversary edition. C'mon. You read these posts. You know that I'm a sucker for good packaging. Remember the Jake One/Freeway album? The presentation of that set was one of the main reasons I bought it. [Note: There was a post on here. Dig it up.]

You could download it, but this album makes the case for buying a physical CD. This set includes the original (classic) album with a second disc loaded with treats and trimmings. Instrumentals. Acapellas. Remixes. A booklet with entries from the players involved. As a bonus; a poster for your locker.

You kids are so lucky.

Cop it. Enjoy it. Learn you something.

p.s. Shouts to Traffic Entertainment Group. You people are saints. With that said, I will be by your offices to rub your feet in exotic oils from faraway lands.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a graphic designer and lover of music, I'm "geekin out" and inspired by this visually pleasing, re-issue packaging. Definitely going to investigate the mastermind(s) behind it! As a Yiddish terminology enthusiast, I just couldn't let this one go..."schmoes".:) Great post!